IRBA Newsletter Issue 50

Issue 50 | April - June 2020 11 REGISTRY REGISTRATIONS, RE-REGISTRATIONS AND TERMINATIONS Note: At the time of reporting, the total number of registered auditors (RAs) was 3 827. While a number of registration applications have been received and are under consideration, there were no new registrations or re-registrations approved and entered into the register during this period. A total of 70 RAs were removed from the register, with the most prevalent reason for the removal being resignations, followed by emigration. The names of RAs removed from the register are provided in the table below. Overview of Lapsed and Terminated Registrations Section 39(5) of the Auditing Profession Act, No. 26 of 2005, provides for the lapsing of an RA’s registration for failure to pay individual annual renewal fees. Meanwhile, Section 39(3), read together with 40(1) of the Act and Board Notice 31 of 2019, provides for the cancellation of an RA’s registration for the non-submission of an Individual Annual Return. During the 2019/2020 financial year, 49 RAs had their registrations lapsed for the non-payment of annual fees, while 33 had theirs cancelled for the non-submission of Individual Annual Returns. The names of RAs removed from the register in terms of Sections 39(5) and 40(1) of the Act are provided below. INDIVIDUALS REMOVED FROM THE REGISTER OF THE IRBA FROM 1 APRIL 2020-30 JUNE 2020 Ball, Mark Robert Resigned Maritz, Ernst August Resigned Barath, Shamona Resigned Masemola, Mangakane Mamahlape Andronicca Resigned Berchowitz, Gary Emigrated Mlalazi, Thembelani Loreta Resigned Beukman, Christoffel Rossouw Resigned Munro, Louis Resigned Bezuidenhout, Jason Grant Emigrated Nawrattel, Mari-Louise Emigrated Billson, Michael David Resigned Olivier, Willem Jacobus Resigned Bosch, Michiel Coenraad Resigned Oosthuizen, Hendrina Maria Resigned Botes, Paul Jacobus Resigned Otto, Pieter Resigned Botha, Eduard Hendrik Karel Passed away Oudhof, Robert Alexander Resigned Botma, Nicolaas Hendrik Resigned Panicco, Robert Lelio Resigned Bristow, Yvette Jacqueline Resigned Petzer, Shelmadene Gwen Resigned Burger, Ashley Edgar Resigned Philippou, Christos Emigrated Burn, Charles Nicholas Resigned Powell, Robin Glyndwr Passed away Caldwell, Colin Sidney Resigned Pretorius, Jean Pierre Resigned Cooper, Nicola Anne Resigned Prins, Clive Resigned Cruickshank, Diane Laura Resigned Prinsloo, Shane Francois Resigned Cupido, Nadia Resigned Razak, Mahomed Hassan Yousuf Resigned Du Plessis, Totius Resigned Rees-Bevan, Andrew Emlyn Dow Resigned Edwards, Linda Gail Resigned Regenass, Heinrich Wilhelm Resigned Fick, Neil Resigned Rossouw, Christine Resigned Getz, Manfred Passed away Salmon, Hedley James Resigned Govender, Reveshen Resigned Stedall, Paul Resigned Hanner Weldon, Lana Joy Emigrated Swanepoel, Lehandi Resigned Hassen, Mahmood Resigned Terheyden, Annelie Elizma Resigned Heyns, Bruce Jack Resigned Thlako, Mmaudu Herman Resigned Ismail, Fazel Resigned Thorpe, Julie Claire Resigned Jansen Van Rensburg, Petrus Jacobus Johannes Resigned Van Den Ende, Pierre Resigned