IRBA Newsletter Issue 52

Issue 52 | October-December 2020 19 Nadine Kater Director Education and Transformation Telephone: (087) 940-8800 E-mail: EDUCATION & TRANSFORMATION cont. on its work, both in terms of regulating and supporting the audit profession, to protect the public interest. The IRBA has undertaken a strategic refresh and refocus. Part of this process includes constructive engagement with stakeholders to reposition the RA brand and reconnect with all the role-players in the ecosystem. We will also be reviewing our strategy on how we engage with prospective RAs and the messages that we communicate to them. We look forward to the continued support of stakeholders, as we move into the next phase of this journey. We extend our gratitude to the stakeholders that participated in this project and shared their stories, aspirations and tensions honestly and candidly, with the shared objectives of revaluing the RA brand and the audit profession.